Malta Retailing Ltd


North of Malta

Company Overview


About Malta Retailing Ltd

Founded in 1932, SPAR has grown to become the world’s largest grocery chain. SPAR is an acronym of a Dutch phrase, ‘Door Eendrachtig Samenwerken Profiteren Allen Regelmatig’, which means ‘We all benefit from joint cooperation’. As the name implies, the SPAR concept is about getting wholesalers and retailers partnered up to deliver the best prices possible to consumers without compromising on quality and freshness where everyone stands to benefit. Adriaan Van Well – the founder of SPAR – used the fir tree as part of the SPAR logo – a logo which has become recognisable all over the world

Fresh food at the heart of internationally renowned SPAR brand! SPAR has four founding values: FRESH, QUALITY, VALUE, CHOICE. SPAR lives up to its promise by focusing on delivering fresh products direct to its customers. It ensures that customers receive food that is nutrient-rich, flavorsome, and of the highest quality. SPAR values its customers as much as it values their choice. SPAR brings everyday value to customers, offering a wide choice of SPAR-branded products and leading products supplied by partner suppliers.