Caritas Malta

Social Care

Central Malta

Company Overview

Social Care

About Caritas Malta

Caritas Malta:
Caritas Malta is a non-governmental organisation committed for the eradication of poverty and promoting human development and social justice. Founded in 1968, Caritas Malta developed a number of services throughout the years in response to emerging social needs in Maltese society, aiming to accompany the most vulnerable but also to advocate for their needs and be their voice in policy development. Nowadays, Caritas Malta works at grassroots levels by providing generic counselling and social work services, various support groups targeting vulnerable social groups, promotion of positive lifestyles in schools, assistance to employers and their employees, and last but not least, comprehensive drug rehabilitation services to adults and adolescents.
Caritas Malta is a member organisation of Caritas Europa and Caritas Internationalis, a confederation of over 160 catholic organisations working at grassroots levels to reach out to the poor, intervene in emergency crises, committed to policy development, and advocate for a better world.
For more information about the services offered by Caritas Malta visit


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